Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where to start...

Before I start this I must first thank my grandmother for the positive things she has posted on her blog about me. It means a lot.

As I sit here and write I am trying to figure out where to start. So much has happened since my last post. As you remember the last thing I wrote was sick kids suck, well let me tell ya that was an understatement. # 3 (Sarah) was just getting the mystery bug that had already hit # 1 & 2 and not wanting to be out done by her two older siblings she got it the worst. I ended up calling my husband Joe at work one night to let him know that she had a fever of 104.9 and was still not keeping anything down. So after talking to him and the Dr (thank goodness you can call them at all hours) it was decided that she needed to be seen in the E.R. My husband came home from work and my father in law came over to sit with the other two (#4 had to go with us I nurse him). After some test we find out she had pneumonia. At this point I'm thinking great, another hospital stay. How am I going to stay with her and balance everything at home??? But it turns out they no longer keep them unless they are having problems breathing, like the Dr. said the meds will work at home just like they would here so make her comfortable and give her some extra TLC. I am happy to say she is doing much better now.

I will also write that I had my 34th birthday in September. I had a really good post I was going to write about that but never got around to it. But have no fear I will . (there are so many ideas in this head of mine)

My husband's grandmother passed away then a few days later I got the call that my grandfather had also passed. Oh- did I mention that the day after I was in the E.R. with Sarah my mother called to let me know that my grandpa Miller was there and they weren't sure what was wrong with him. Talk about being worried.

My husband and I have celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on the 8th of Oct. My mother & father in law kept the kids for a few hours so we could have some much needed time together. We went and visited friends. I must say it was nice to not have to chase kids around.

#2 will be starting pre-school soon we had to go to the Dr. and get his physical. That is a whole post in itself let me tell ya.

So you see friends, it might take me a while to post my thought and happenings but believe me they are there, just waiting for the few minutes of spare time when I can share them with you. I hope you enjoy them and maybe laugh a few times.

Until next time God bless and good night