Friday, August 21, 2009

Having a sick kid sucks!!!

Well, I was hoping it had run it's course but I guess not. #3 (yes my husband and I have jokingly numbered our children) now has the bug. Nothing like a sick child to really liven up the day. High fever, vomiting, stuff coming out of every part of her little body. Yeah this is the life.

This all started with #2 (Matthew). Hit him out of the blue. Fine one minute SICK the next. Lasted for a couple of day's and we thought we were in the clear. No one else in the house showing any symptoms. Then #1 (Emmy) started. My throat hurts, my head hurts, I don't think I can go to school today. I knew it was only a matter of time.

Now at this point all I'm trying to do is keep all sick kids away from #4 ( the baby) but for some reason this is when they are most attracted to him. "I'm just trying to kiss him" I hear. Stay away from him I say.

Now don't get me wrong, by this stage in the game I am a semi-pro at this. Yes, I know not to panic when the fever gets high, just put them in the tub, and to cover everything they lay on or around because you would be amazed at the distance a child can get while vomiting without even trying.

But the one thing I am still amazed at is the lack of sleep. You know, it's just not as much fun staying up all night with a sick child as it was when you were younger and hanging out with your friends. You could go all night. wishing it would never end. But now, your a parent and all you can think is please let this child go to sleep so maybe I can rest. Which you know you won't because while their asleep you go into watch mode. Constantly checking on them, listening for every sound they make, watching the clock so you have the next dose of medicine ready, glass of water in hand. Silently praying the fever will break, the vomiting will stop and by tomorrow they will be all better, and maybe you can finally take that much needed shower.

But I better wrap this up. It's that time. Baby needs fed, temp needs to be taken. And hopefully, all will be better tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When did that happen???

As I sit here before bed I was wondering when did that happen? Your asking yourself what is she talking about right. Well what I mean is, when did I turn into my mother?

Now growing up I heard from various people that someday I would act just like my mother. I took that a a compliment. Any of you who know my mother know she is a very strong woman. So if i was going to be like someone she would be the one. I was also told I would have a child that acted just like me. I got that one twice over thank you. But that's story for another day.

What I mean is this--earlier I was trying to get everyone settled for bed, that's a chore in itself around here. Everyone calling for mom at the same time while Baby Aaron not wanting to be left out decided it was time to eat and all I could think of was when I was little and I would call for my mom like the 100th time and she would say "Mom dose not live here anymore".
Now as a child (an only child at that) I would think to myself why is she saying that? But now as I'm older and a mother I fully understand it. I now also understand the old Cal gone commercial.You know the one Cal gone take me away!!

I have also been known to wander around the house and ask if I am talking to myself (no one ever answers me on that), were you born in a barn, and the classic "I don't care what so&so's mom does I'm not her mom".

So there you have it. Some how, some way I have turned into my mother. I'm not sure when it happened but it did. But that's o.k. I'm at peace with it because if I turn out to be half the mother I was blessed with, I'm doing just fine.

Now turn out the lights, it's time for bed!!
Here I go, my first blog. I guess this means I am no longer a blog virgin (is that allowed?), I guess I'll find out.
I was sitting here today on face book, I'm also new to that but anyway, as I was reading some post's I thought to myself wonder what g-ma has posted on her blog lately. So there I go. Not much new to report there but I should mention Happy Anv. to my grandparents. Anyway as I was reading I thought to myself I should start a blog. But then i thought what would I say, what would I name it? And would anyone read it. Who knows.
So while I thought about the name my son Matthew went running by with his older sister Emmy fast in chase and Sarah not far behind as I yelled Stop it your dad and brother are trying to sleep. And it hit me. Mandy's Mayhem. But then I thought about it and wasn't sure.
So I got my old friend Webster's out to see just what mayhem means. Now, the first part of it about act's caused by violence just doesn't fit my household. But then it went on to say something about confusion, noise, and disorder. That's it I thought , not so much the confusion, but the noise and disorder, that's my house right now. You see, I just had baby number 4 a couple of months ago. On top of that one week later my mother needed open heart surgery to remove a major blood clot, my husband works nights so that leaves me home with the kids a lot. Mind you I'm not complaining I love my children dearly but there are day's the noise and disorder really get to me.
I'm the type of person who likes everything in it's place, you know the old saying everything has a place and every place has it's thing, yeah that's me. Then the kids came. I try, some day's are better than other's but none are perfect. But hey that's my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. So I just take it as grandma would say One Day at a Time.
So there you go that's it my first blog. I hope I didn't ramble on to much and maybe one of you will enjoy reading it.But for now I have to go see what the kid's are doing, they are way to quiet!!