Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Maring's

This is my father's side of the family, also known as the Maring's. In this picture are my grandparents, Slim and Imogene Maring with their many children. Their are actually eight children not in this photo, they were from my grandfathers 3rd marriage.
You see my grandmother was actually my grandfathers 4Th wife. His 1st he married for love as grandma told me, she died not long after the marriage. He married the 2nd woman and they had two children but unfortunately the children got influenza, my grandfather walked to town to get the Dr. but upon returning home found that one of the children had died. His wife ended up having a break down and was considered insane. Then came # 3, she bore him 8 children. Grandpa went to work one day and when he got home she had left. After a nosey neighbor called state services they came and got the children telling him that a man couldn't work all day and raise children in the proper way. Grandpa hated that woman until the day he died.
So that's where my grandma came in, wife # 4. Grandpa & Grandma had 16 children together( one uncle was a twin but the twin died at birth). One year after they were married my grandma had just had her first child and back came the state with the original eight children. Can you imagine?? Being a newly wed in a sense , just having your first child and here are eight more, What a time that must have been . But instead of complaining she did what had to be done. This woman raised her own children and his as if it were nothing, always making sure each child had what was needed. Now don't get me wrong, my fathers family was poor, but they made due with what they had and all pulled together to get what was needed. Makes me think that in a way they were a lot richer than most families I know now.
They ran a pool hall in Sidell for years for their income, I think grandma had a hand in raising half the children in that town . My grandpa and the boys also took care of the local cemetery, doing all the mowing and yes, digging the graves. He also worked many jobs for the town. At one time he was the town policeman. As I said before they did whatever needed to be done.
There is so much more I could tell you about these two people, but it would go on and on, and I am limited in my time tonight. I hope you enjoyed reading this little snip of information about them, and one of these nights when I do have more time I will tell you more.
Until then, goodnight...

1 comment:

  1. Which child in this photo is your dad, or is he even in it? Have never seen him without a beard. lol
